DARK (2020_Netflix)- Season Reviews and Summary

Published by Syed Hussain on

DARK (2020_Netflix) is a Netflix drama that has 3 seasons and a total of 26 episodes. A review and summary of the season ‘DARK’ are given in the following passages. This Netflix season ‘DARK’ (2020_Netflix) is a time travel based story and comment on the season is written on this site.

Sic Mundus Creatus Est (Thus the world is created)
Dark: Netflix series (Fiction)
IMDB Rating: 8.7/10

DARK – Season Review

In December 2017, Netflix released a drama series called DARK (2020_Netflix), which is originally in German but is also available on Netflix with the English language and subtitles. This is a very knowledgeable series. If you watch it, you will learn a lot and make the best use of your time. And most of all, this knowledge gives you the best locations and music with a great story. Not all knowledge is boring, it’s not at all. The four things mentioned above are more than one. No one can be given more or fewer marks. Everyone’s rating is the same.

This is a story related to time travel but it is not just for the time travel enthusiasts. It has a lot of knowledge besides time travel and the story also has mystery, science, and thriller along with time travel. We have developed more questions to get answers, but as we seek more answers we have reached more questions.
Now, if this fiction is possible, that if we look at the past and the present at the same time, we may not get our answers in the form of more questions, or it may be that a new chapter of questions is opened from there.

“The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion – Albert Einstein.”

Everybody goes to travel places. Will it ever be possible for us to travel in years? (I’m going in 1921, for a trip) Then the people there enjoy their way of life with the technology they use (more or less), eat the food they make, special dishes, see the colors of their cultures. Celebrate their holidays like them, live and come back in 2019/20 a week later. Will this ever be possible? Maybe. Yeah if it is possible then we will not only do location traveling but also go for time traveling. Like we will not decide a location to go rather a time. Sometimes it feels like someone is sitting in the future running the strings of our present, whatever we are doing or wanting to do is already decided. “Déjà vu”


There are a lot of questions about where life started and where it will end, but at the moment the question is, is the race of life being managed from where it started, or is it being managed from where it has reached in the future? Would we really do that if we were able to go back in time and change our decisions in the future? If we change our past, it means that we change what we are now. Deciding is not easy, even if we know the results.

We cannot control what is deep inside us, which justifies us to do anything right or wrong. We make decisions based on time and place, which makes our own thinking less and time more important. It is as if we spend it now and then we will fix it later and the decision to spend it against our will is what drives our lives. Does everything in our lives have a purpose? If so, who imposes this goal? Or is it all a coincidence? Can we change that? If all this is just a coincidence, can we go back in time to correct the mistakes that happened by time travel? Are we free to do our own thing or is everything going according to a default cycle? Or are we slaves to the laws of nature? Are we there or not? We are the wanderers in the darkness.

What is man Where does it come from? Who is running it? And above all, what is the purpose of its coming into the world?

“What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean” – Isaac Newton.

Why are we here? What is our significance in the universe? Why don’t we break up? Why don’t we break up?
An endless circle of life and death. What is the origin of all this painful phase?

Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle. Everything is connected.

In the end, we all get what we deserve. Have you ever heard of the Bootstrap paradox? In Bootstrap Paradox anything or any information is sent in the past from the future and it forms an endless chain. In which nothing remains in its original origin. Things exist but without any creation, brought from the future to the past. There are a lot of questions here, Does reality really exist? The world is full of such paradoxes, we mostly just like to ignore them. Everything is interconnected. Future, past, and present.

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DARK  – Season Summary

4 November 2019 10:13. The search for one child was still going on when the other child, Mikkel, also went missing. When Mikkel disappeared, he was accompanied by his brother Magnus and sister Martha, and their two friends Jonas and Bartosz. The missing child is the youngest son of police officer Ulrich. Every effort is being made to trace the children but nothing is understood. This is 2019. Where Mikkel was lost, coming out of the same cave near the cave and running towards his home, everything is old-fashioned. So her parents didn’t even get married. It’s in 1986. Ulrich’s brother is also missing in ’86. Then Ulrich is not a policeman but a student.

Police are now searching for a child in 86. And two children in 2019. Now Jonas, the protagonist, reaches 86 in search of Mikkel. From where he wants to take Mikkel back home, a secret is revealed to him about his survival. There are things out there that our little minds will never comprehend. Now Jonas Rose thinks he will change everyone’s destiny but before he can change everyone’s destiny he will have to put his hand on his own survival. He does everything he shouldn’t do.

A note is that you have to have a good memory to watch it episode wise. If not, try to finish it in one or two sessions, otherwise you will be stuck in the characters. All the songs are good but my favorite is A quiet life in season.

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